建国以来 ,中华民族凝聚力经历了一个由强到弱 ,再由弱到强的发展过程。这一方面是同我们对民族凝聚力自身规律的认识分不开的 ,另一方面 ,更为重要的是 ,同我国社会主义建设息息相关。新时期 ,进一步弘扬传统文化 ,实现政治民主 ,经济强大 ,从而增强综合国力是增强中华民族凝聚力的关键所在。
Since the foundation of the People's Republic of China, the Chinese nation's cohesion has experienced a course of changing from strong to weak, and then from weak to strong. On the one hand, this course cannot be separated from our knowledge of the laws of the Chinese nation's cohesion; on the other hand, which is more important, it is closely connected with our socialist construction. In the new period, the key to the increase of the Chinese nation's cohesion are to promote and develop the traditional culture, to realize political democracy and to strengthen economy. \ \