西方美学一般把审美意识区分为优美与崇高两类。古罗马时代的希腊文艺理论家朗吉努斯在其名著《论崇高》中 ,早已勾勒了崇高之不同于优美的基本特征。本文作者受朗吉努斯著作的启发 ,对屈原的《离骚》作了细致的分析 ,认为《离骚》不是一般的优美所可以概括的 ,它所体现的是一种崇高之美。文章最后强调 ,崇高在西方源于希伯莱文化 ,以忧患意识为其思想根源 ,《离骚》的崇高与屈原所遭遇的忧患也有密切联系。作者希望我们今天能够多一点忧患意识 ,能在文坛上出现像《离骚》一样崇高宏伟的诗篇。
Western aesthetics distinguishes the sublime from the beautiful. Casius Longinus, an ancient Greek literary aesthetician, illustrated the essential characteristics of sublimity in his famous work \%On the Sublime.\% The author of the present article, inspired by Longinus' work, analyzes Qu Yuan's \%Li\|Sao\% and concludes that \%Li\|Sao\% is distinguished rather by sublimity than by beauty. He points out that sublimity took its origin in the consciousness of suffering in the Hebrew culture. the author also expresses his wish to read grand literary works characterized by the sublime in contemporary Chinese Literature.
Journal of Peking University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)