对社会主义社会主要矛盾的认识和把握 ,关系着社会主义的命运和前途。从社会基本矛盾入手 ,寻找和确定社会主要矛盾 ,是正确认识和把握社会主义社会主要矛盾的根本途径。在这个问题上 ,马克思主义创始人为我们提供了方法论依据 ;对此 ,毛泽东作出了重大贡献 ;邓小平对这个问题的创新与发展则是我们走向胜利的关键。
It is vital to the socialist destiny and future that co rrectly recognizing and grasping the principal contradiction in the socialist ba sic contradiction to seek and define the social principal contradiction,it is t he basic approach to recognizing the principal contradiction,As to that issue, the architects of Marxism have given us methodology;MaoZhe-dong has made a gre at contribution to it,at same time he has left us some incisive lessons;DengXi ao-ping has brought forth new idea and developed it,which is crucial for us to be on the way to victory.
Wuhan University Journal (Humanity Sciences)