当代中缅两国建立了睦邻友好、和平合作的双边关系 ,这种关系在 2 1世纪将得到进一步巩固和发展。巩固和发展这种关系对中缅双方既是可能的也是必要的。它有利于缅甸维护国内稳定 ,改善国际环境 ,提高国际地位 ,发展民族经济 ;它也有利于我国营造良好的周边国际环境 ,推行印度洋战略 ,保障经济安全。发展中缅关系有助于我国实施西部大开发战略 ,促进我国西部发展。
In the contemporary era China has established good-ne ig hbour and friend,peace and cooperation bilateral relations with Burma,and will f urther the course during the 21st century.It is possible and necessary to streng then and develop the relations for both sides.It can help maintain the domestic safety in Burma,improve its international environment,enhance its international position and develop its national economy.It also helps construct favorable peri phery surroundings for China,and does benefits for the Indian strategy and guara ntee the economic security.And it does good for carrying out the Great West Deve lopment Strategy in China.
Wuhan University Journal (Humanity Sciences)
国家社会科学基金项目 ( 97BSS0 0 1)