语言是意义内容同形式机制构筑的一个有机体 ,选取一些具有代表性的词汇范畴 ,就其语义 /修辞性能和关系形式的同构性进行分析和研究 ,这对认识语言至为重要。动词是俄语词汇的精华 ,而愿望动词又是俄语动词中较为集中、较为紧凑的词群 ,对愿望动词的五个语义范畴、修辞意义进行较为细致的描述和比照 ,并就其形式方面策用“兼容共现”这一特征手段 ,就愿望动词语义性能作出甄别和限制 。
Since language is originally an organism composed of mea ningful contents and form mechanism, it's of vital importance to choose some typ ical lexical categories and probe deeply into the uniformity of semantic propert ies and relationships, 'глагол хотения' are very compact and well -knit ones. From the five aspects of semantics and rhetoric meanings of 'гл агол хотения', the author gives detailed descriptions and comparison s of the five semantic categories. In the aspect of relationships, due to limite d space, the author only adopts the theory concerning compatibility and concurre nce to distinguish and define the verbal semantic properties.
Wuhan University Journal (Humanity Sciences)