汉赋之所以受到众多的责难 ,确与汉代赋家作者自身不无关系。并非囿于文体本身的失闪 ,而恰恰在于文体之内部的话语以及与作者自身所处的时代之语境密不可分。孰不知 ,文学艺术是以批判现实为功效的。借以扬雄对汉赋的否定与批判精神 。
The reason for much blame on Han prose indeed has something to do with the prose writers of Han dynasty.It is not defined to the flaw of the prose itself but to the close connection between the prose wording and the language environment of the era the writers lived in.As everyone knows,literature works serve the purpose of criticizing reality.In the spirit of Yang Xiong's negation and criticism of Han prose,the essay is intended to expound Han prose by means of ontology of cultural criticism.
Journal of Qinghai Junior Teachers' College