郭沫若的历史剧塑造了许多动人心旌的女性形象 .本文认为 :这些女性形象既异彩纷呈 ,又被高度心灵化了 ;既具有女性特征 ,又富有英雄气质 ;既有作者的影子 ,又贯注着时代精神 .她们一方面替我们表现着历史 ,一方面又为我们昭示着未来 。
In Guo Muoruo's historical plays, many heart striking female images have been sculptured. It is believed that these female images are colorful, their souls are highly purified. They have female characteristics, heroines' qualities, the author's shadow and contemporary spirit. On the one hand, they show us the history, on the other hand, they predict the future for us. They have displayed to us their ever lasting charm.