创造绘画视境 ,使时间艺术 (诗 )空间化 ,是营造诗歌意境浓郁画意的根本途径。营造诗歌意境画意最常用的艺术表现手法是 :骨法用笔 ,气韵生动 ;随类赋彩 ,倚空设色 ;描光画影 ,明暗造型 ;咫尺万里 ,摹写气势 ;以大观小 ,远景短缩 ;定点眺览 ,意象重叠 ;散点透视 ,描绘万象。
To create a painterly visual state and make the time art(poetry) spacify,it is the basic way to construct rich picturesque conception of poetic artistic state.Its artistic expressive technique most in use is to wield the painting brush with a skeleton method and make the lingering charm vivid,to endow multicolors accoding to their different categories and fill in colors according to the space ,to trace splendor and paint images and care light-and-shade moldmaking,to describe momentum though physically very near,yet separated as if by long ,long distances, to look upon the great as the small and reduce the distant view ,to look far into the distance in a fixed point and the idea and images both overlap and to paint perspectively in scattered points and describe all manifestations.
Journal of Zhaotong Teacher's College