
西欧联合运动中的美英关系 被引量:1

Anglo-American Relation in the Unification Movement of Western Europe
摘要 战后美国的全球扩张战略 ,英国在其中的重要地位 ,它对美国的全面依赖及本身的优势条件 ,构成美国与英国结盟政策的动力和基础。美国对英国结盟政策追求一系列目标 ,特别是期望它在西欧联合运动中扮演领导角色。英国拒绝参加西欧经济一体化的表现与美国推动西欧联合的方针相去甚远 ,其后在美推动下 ,终于转向欧共体。英国迫于安全需要 ,积极配合和支持了美国促进西欧军事联合的方针。美英“特殊关系”实质上是一种以美国为主导的互相利用的联盟关系。 It is the global expansion strategy of the US, the important position of Britain in this strategy, the Britain's dependence on the US and its favorable condition, that consists of the motive and foundation for the union between the US and Britain. In this union, the US has pursued a series of goals. Especially, the US wishes to establish its leading role in the unification movement of Western Europe. It also forced Britain to join the European Common Wealth, which Britain refused to participate in for a long time. At the same time, Britain, for its security, has supported the US to improve the military cooperation in Western Europe. All these show that the “special relation” between the US and Britain is actually a mutually beneficial relation with the US as its leader.
作者 罗志刚
出处 《武汉大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2001年第2期185-191,共7页 Wuhan University Journal:Philosophy & Social Science
基金 中国 -欧盟高等教育合作项目 ( 4 0 40 0 6 3/99)
关键词 结盟政策 西欧军事联合 美英关系 外交关系 英国 美国 联盟关系 union policy unification of Western Europe Anglo-American relation
  • 相关文献


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