唐朝诗人孟浩然从东都洛阳出发专程来游越中山水尤其是天台山 ,其路线有两点最为关键 :一是孟氏来天台山是从水路、从北面或北面偏西方向而来 ;二是来天台山的路线附近有一条名为恶溪的水流。这条恶溪非括州的恶溪 ,而是台州的位于天台山不远处的恶溪。因此孟浩然是从越州剡中沿着剡溪。
There is much dispute about the route taken by Men Haoran, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty,to Mount Tantai. This paper holds that Men Haoran made a boat journey from the north or northwest by west after departing the capital Luoyang for Yue,the Eastern Zhijiang, and that the Exi river was not the one in Kuozhou but was in Taizhou,somewhere near the route to Mount Tantai. So Men Haoran reached Mount Tantai by travelling along the route of Shanxi and Mount Tanlao after he got to Shanzhong in Yue.
Journal of Suzhou Railway Teachers College(Social Science Edition)