从公元前 6世纪到公元 3世纪 ,在吴地先是越灭吴 ,后是楚灭越 ,再是秦灭楚 ,接着汉灭秦 ,居民发生了多次置换与变迁 ,文化模式也随之屡屡更迭与转型 ,最终汇入汉文化的洪流之中 。
During the period of 600BC-300BC,, the successive displacement of the regimes of Wu,Yue,Chu,Qin and Han caused the migrations of the local inhabitants and the influx of newcomers. The cultural type of the Wu area underwent the corresponding changes and was eventually merged into the powerful current of the Han culture to be a component and a regional type.
Journal of Suzhou Railway Teachers College(Social Science Edition)