目前各级地方人大及其常委会在监督工作中所遇到的问题主要有人员认识、党政关系、法制建设、自身素质等四个方面 ,对这些问题必须通过加强教育、理顺关系、抓紧立法、明确原则、建设自身等措施来解决。
At present, the problems local People's Congresses and their Standing Committees in exercising supervision, go as follows: poor understanding and knowledge, disharmonious relations between the Party and the government, imperfect legal system and low delegates' quality. To solve those problems needs to pay more attention on education, separate the Party's work from the government's, come to grips with legislation, make principles clear, constructing ourselves and so on.
Journal of China Youth College for Political Sciences