世纪之交 ,重新探讨和确立警学学科体系是当代警察实践发展的客观需要 ,是警察科学发展的必然趋势 ,是警学科研和警察教育发展目标的要求。对于警学学科体系 ,可以从认识论、警察基本业务部门、警察科学与其他学科的关系三种角度加以划分。其中 ,警学基础学科也应是一个具有合理结构和功能分工的学科群。在新的世纪 ,警学学科研究要真正实现其对警察教育和警察实践应有的指导推动作用 ,就必须在三个方向上有所突破 ,即从封闭走向开放、从注释走向理性、从滞后走向超前。
At the turn of the century,to probe into police studies again and to ensure its position as a science is an objective requirement of the development of police practice,police education and research work on police studies.Police studies can be divided based on 3 perspectives:epistemology,basic departments of police and the relations between police studies and other studies.The basic branch of police studies should also be a group of subjects with proper structure and rational division according to its functions.In the new century,researches on police studies should make a breakthrough by turning the closed,explanatory and backward system of police studies into an open,rational and advanced one.
Journal of Huan Public Security College