三四十年代是中国女性写作投身社会运动的时代 ,女性意识的变异使得女作家遮蔽或忽略自身独特的体认而竭力达到一种不分性别的认识高度。导致这种主体意识变化的原因既有社会、历史的因素 ,也有创作主体自身的因素。诸多方面的影响使得她们自觉或不自觉地以社会意识、政治意识作为主体意识的新支点 ,为女性意识注入新的质素 ,从而使文学创作风貌产生新的变化。这种变化几乎是群体性的 。
In 1930s and 1940,China's female writers began to appear in social movements,the ideas of feminism made them neglect their own unique feature and pursue an equality.The reason lied in social factor,Historic factors and writer,themselves,consciously or unconsciously they took a new standporint and breathed new ideas into feminism and caused great changes in literature,which means all the female writers shared a trend towards the male.
Hebei Academic Journal