经济行为蕴含着丰富的伦理思想 ,它既表现于外在的由生产工具和劳动对象等组成的反映人们物质利益需求的物质层面 ,又表现于内在的由人们的思想意识、价值观念、行为模式等构成的以经济伦理为主的观念层面。“经济人”和“道德人”是经济行为主体的两种最基本的内在规定。“经济人”活动的目标是获取利润 ,以追求经济效益的最大化为目标 ;“道德人”活动的目的是有利于他人和社会 ,以社会效益的最大化为己任 ,两者是对立的统一。资本主义市场经济以“经济人”和“道德人”的互相排斥和畸形统一为特征 ,而社会主义市场经济则以“经济人”和“道德人”的合谐统一为标志。“经济人”与“道德人”的完美结合 。
Economic behanior contains vast ethils in nature. It has not only the external material layer mainly made up of laboring tools and suljects reflecting people′s need for material benefits, but also the internal conceptual layer composed of people′s consliousness, value conception and behavioral mode etc whith indicates the economic ethics. The two most fundamental requlations existing in the economic behavioral body ane 'Economic Person' and 'Moral Person', which are unity of opposits, 'Economic Person' acts with the aim of gaining the best economic benefits, while 'Moral Person' acts for the largest solial benefits. Capitalist market economy is characterized with the malformed unity of 'Economic Person' and 'Moral Person', but solialist one, however, is characterized with the real unity of the both two. In a word, the perfect combination of 'Economic Person' and 'Moral Person' regulates that socialist market economy is ethical economy in essence.
Journal of Northwest University of Light Industry