传统哲学与现代存在主义哲学都没有合理地理解人的生存与理性的内在关联 :传统哲学把理性与生存的关系看成是“纯粹理性”对“实存”的逻辑生成 ;而现代存在主义则把人的生存直接看成了非理性问题。非理性作为“能够自我意识到的本能” ,本是构成生存理性以及理性地阐释人生存的关键环节。理性对人生存的内在规定性具体体现在 :第一 ,理性理解人的生存 ,理性是人生存的具体的、历史性的表现 ,它本身就经历了从实存性向生存性的提升。第二 ,理性作为内蕴于人生存活动中的具有对象性功用的属性 ,又对人生存起着反省及评价的双重作用。第三 ,作为对生存性及生存意义的理解 ,理性必然从总体上引导着人的现实的生存活动。
Traditional philosophy and Existentialism does not understand rationally the inner relation of existence and reason: traditional philosophy sees this relation as logical creation of substance from pure reason; modern Existentialism sees human existence as irrational. Irrational as “the instinct that can be conscious self”, is a constitutive existent reason and the key sector of interpretation of human existence reasonably. Reason is inner definition of human existence: firstly, reason is concrete and historical demonstration of human existence, it promotes itself from substance to existence; secondly, reason reflects and values human existence; lastly, as understanding of existence and its meaning, reason guilds totally human realization its nature.
Academia Bimestris