新时期以来 ,兴起于 2 0— 30年代的“京派” ,因其在中国现代文学史中的独特地位与贡献而深受研究者的重视 ,出现了大批研究论文 ,对“京派”作为一个文学流派的定位及京派小说的思想价值、艺术价值进行了深入的系统研究。研究除了运用综合性宏观性的审视研究方法外 ,还科学地尝试着比较研究方法 ,取得了显著成就 ,但同整个中国现代文学的研究水平相比 ,则明显存在着差距和不足。
Beijing School Novel” arises in 20-30s this century, it made great contributions to Modern Chinese Literature. Since The New Era, there are great deal of papers dealing with the statues of “Beijing School” as a literature school, its thought value, aesthetic value. Besides using comprehensive, macro perspective method, these studies tries to use comparative method. But comparing with whole Modern Chinese Literature Studies, there are many shortages in these studies.
Academia Bimestris