瞿秋白既是中国共产党早期的无产阶级革命家 ,又是一位才气横溢、感情丰富的诗人。在他的身后 ,留下了近 30首旧体诗词。从创作时间和内容来审视 ,可以将这些诗作划分为四个时期 ,分别表达诗人“士的阶级”没落的身世喟叹 ,探索真理和追求理想的感物吟志 ,对千夫所指丑类的讽谕挞伐 ,身陷敌方囹圄的坦荡胸怀和复杂情感。瞿秋白的旧体诗词 ,以细腻而复杂的情愫、悒郁而委婉的格调、绚丽而严谨的辞章为世人所称道 ,给人以“无一不佳”、“并世无两”
Qu Qiu bai was an early leader of Chinese Communist Party as well as an emotional poet. In his lifetime, he composed over thirty old style oiensm. In view of the composing years and the contents, those poems can be sorted into four periods. The first period: those sighing over the fall of the feudal scholars; the second one: those exprssing the poet's aspiration of seeking truth and pursing lofty ideal; the third period: theose satirizing and criticizing the contemmed; the last period: those voicing his frankness and complicated feelings after he was captured by Kuomintang reactionary. His poems are characterisitic of depression and tact in style, exquisiteness and complicatedness in feeling, luxury and well knitting in rhetoric.
Journal of Shanghai University(Social Sciences Edition)