本文讨论梁启超的戏曲创作及其对20 世纪初中国戏曲变革的影响。指出:梁启超的戏曲创作,在样式、题材、人物、情节与冲突、语言等各个方面都进行了探索和革新,这既影响和规定了本世纪初中国戏曲发展的总体风貌和历史走向,也留下了值得认真总结、深入反思的实践经验和创作教训。他的戏曲创作与他在文学理论、散文、诗词、小说等方面的成就一道,构成了梁启超这座20 世纪中国文学的一大高峰,这座高峰承前启后,对20
This thesis discusses Liang Qichaos opera creation and its influence on the Chinese opera in early 20th century. The author holds that in the style, theme, character, plot and conflict, and speech in opera, Liang Qichaos probe and innovation influenced the total style and features of the development of the Chinese opera in early 20th century, and, on the other hand, left some practical experience and lesson deserving summarizing and reflecting. \ \