鲁迅与李大钊都是五四时期最早创作新诗的人物。由于他们处于相同的时代背景 ,人生经历和艺术观点也大致相同 ,因此他们的新诗有一定相似之处 ;但又由于他们的美学理想、政治思想、文艺思想及艺术个性的不同 。
Both Lu Xun and Li Dazhao are the first writers of the new style poetry during the period of the May 4th Movement.Their new style poems are similar owing to their similar social background,life career and artistic viewpoints;meanwhile,their poems are different because of their different aesthetic ideals,political thoughts,literary thoughts and artistic individualities.
Journal of Sichuan Teachers College (Philosophy & Social Science)