早年旅居美国的华人,在异国他乡受歧视、受排斥,特别是那些生活在社会底层的苦力,生前饱受磨难,死后也不能在当地落籍,只能在华侨会馆的协助下“落叶归根”,将骨灰运回祖国。然而由于离乡日久、与家乡亲人失去联系等种种原因,其骨灰无法由亲属认领,只好由慈善机构集中安葬。──广东新会 1893年义冢的发现,就为这段辛酸史提供了明证。
Chinese who sojourning in America in the early stage of history, especially the coolies living in the bottom of society, suffered from severe discrimination and repulsion in the foreign country. They tasted to the full the bitterness aver their lifetime and yet didn' t receive decent burials after death. Their bone ashes were carried back to homeland with the help of the Overseas Chinese Assembly Hall. As a result of parting home so long and losing touch with the relatives at homeland, the ashes were unable to be claimed by their relatives and had to be buried by charity. The discovery of 1893 graves in Xinhui, Guangdong Province, is a clear proof of this distressful history part.
Journal of Wuyi University(Social Sciences Edition)