爱默生在《自然》一书中提出要建立一个“人驾驭自然的王国” ,今天看来仿佛早已过时 ,十九、二十世纪人类幻想“人定胜天” ,盲目地发展经济 ,破坏环境 ,为此付出了沉重的代价。在新的世纪我们应怎样解读爱默生的作品 ?笔者认为我们应走出以人为中心的宇宙观 ,打破静止的两极对立的思维方式 ,建立人与自然和谐的王国。
In his representative work Nature , Ralph Emerson wished to set up a realm in which man is over nature. This point of view, however, seems outdated today, when economy has massively developed at the cost of natural environment worldwide. Having penetrated Nature in her attempt to reinterpret Emerson, the author suggests that what the poet wanted to do is to set up a realm in which man lives harmoniously with nature.
Journal of Yancheng Teachers University(Humanities & Social Sciences Edition)