《高祖还乡》之所以成为一篇佳作 ,很大程度上有赖于作者独特的视角选取。首先 ,作者以一个乡野村夫之眼和口为视点 ;其次 ,寓嘲讽于乡民的憨态俚语之中 ;再次 ,语言通俗流畅、明快 ,具有浓郁的民歌色彩 ,使文章具有很强的感染力。
The fact that Gao Zu's Return to His Native Place has been an excellent work is, in great extent, because of the author's option of a special perspective. First of all, the author chose the perspective of a villager; then he used the villagers' slang in his mocking, and thirdly, he used smooth and common expressions with a folklore style, making the article impressive.
Journal of Luoyang Normal University