

Post Cold War Taiwan's Geo strategic Affection in Sino U.S.Relationship
摘要 台湾是中国领土不可分割的重要组成部分。实现祖国统一原本是海峡两岸中国人民的内部事务 ,但由于以美国为首的国际势力的干涉 ,台湾问题日益复杂化。冷战后 ,国际格局发生了深刻而复杂的变化 ,这必然引起美国全球战略的调整。作为美国全球战略尤其是东亚战略的重要组成部分 ,美台关系不仅没有因冷战的结束而下降 ,反而不断得到提升 ,成为影响中美关系发展、变化的“晴雨表”。美国之所以在冷战后不断加大对台湾问题的介入力度 ,根本原因之一是台湾作为美国遏制中国的“一张牌” 。 Taiwan is an indispensable and important part of China. Reunification is originally internal affair of Chinese across the Taiwan strait. However, the Taiwan Question is becoming more and more complicated because of the interference of the international power under the leadership of the U.S..After the Cold War, international structure has changed fundamental and complicatedly. Thus, the changes lead to the adjustment of America Global Strategy. As an important part of Amercia Global Strategy especially of East Asia strategy, the relationship between the U.S. and Taiwan has not lessened because of the end of the Cold War but being upgraded and becoming the weatherglass of the development and change of Sino U.S.relationship. One of the fundamental reasons why the U.S. has strengthened its interference with Taiwan which plays a piece of playing cards for U.S. to contian China has the profound geo strategic affect in Sino U.S. relationship during the post cold war.
作者 杨永斌
出处 《哈尔滨学院学报》 2001年第2期18-20,共3页 Journal of Harbin University
关键词 台湾 美国 对华关系 地缘战略作用 美台关系 台湾问题 Taiwan Sino U.S.relationship geo strategy affect
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  • 1Dana Rohrbacher.What Cards Remaining in the China deck?Dealing a Hand to the Roc[].the Washington Times May.
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