在影响大学英语教学效果的诸多要素中 ,积极情感因素的作用不可忽视 ,它体现在其动力、调节、信号、启迪等作用中。教师应注重自己和学生两方面的积极情感要素 ,排除消极情感要素 ,特别要着意于学生的情感因素 ,才能收到良好的教学效果。
Among many factors affecting English teaching, positive emotional factors cannot be ignored.They effect in such aspects as motivating, adjusting, signaling,and enlightening .Teachers must attach importance not only to their own positive emotional factors, but also to students', and eliminate the negative factors.Best teaching effect can be achieved if the students' emotions are especially paid attention to.
Journal of Zhuzhou Institute of Technology