五四时期 ,中国思想文化史上出现了一道独特的景观———社团林立 ,异彩纷呈。这种历史景观决不是偶发的现象 ,而是中国人积郁已久的思想在社会转型时期迸发的结果 ,也是人们要求社会变革的政治动机在思想文化领域的生动体现。这种现象是中国近现代史上继戊戌学会高潮之后的又一次社团活动的高峰。然而 ,由于时代和思想文化氛围的不同 ,使五四社团在其思想宗旨、成员成分、活动内容等方面 ,都显示出与戊戌学会之不同 。
The period of May 4th of 1919 was times that the field of ideology and culture of China was active extremely.All kinds of ideology were contended one after another,so that all kinds of mass organization were set up plentifully.This was second height of mass organization activities since institute of 1898 in modern history of China.However,because the times and thought and culture in the period of May 4th was not alike that of 1898,the characteristics of mass organization of the period of May 4th were expressed in thought nature,member status and activities method and so on.
The Northern Forum