通过分年龄劳动参与率、工资率等指标 ,借助于调查资料建立起了我国分年龄人口经济贡献模拟量表 ,从人口经济学角度研究人的生命周期 ,观察不同年龄段的经济价值 ,揭示老年人的价值特征 ;提出老年期的经济价值是终生积累的结果 ,必须将一生联系起来研究 ;老年人消费的是一生中自己创造的价值 ;推迟退休年龄和提高劳动生产率是人口老龄化提出的必然要求 ;代际之间在经济关系上的接替是社会发展的客观规律等。
From demo economical perspectives, this paper aims at studying the pattern of changing economic values occurring in the later course of human life. After analyzing the labor participation of population and constructing a life table by exploiting data from the 1990 Census and other surveys, we discover a pattern of changing economic values over human life cycle and indicate the different characte ristics between the elderly and the youngster. To study economic value of the elderly, which is the result of accumulation through the whole life, one should consider the economic values of different life stages. Postponing the retirement age and rai sing labor participation is the inevitable choice facing the problem of population aging.
Market & Demographic Analysis