创新是一个民族的灵魂 ,是国家兴旺发达的不竭动力。哲学教师应根据学科特点 ,发挥优势 ,努力实施素质教育 ,培养学生的创新精神 ,引导学生探索人与自然、人与社会、人与人之间的关系 ,引导学生好学深思 ,知行统一 。
Innovation is spirit of a nation and unceasing power of a national development.A philosophy teacher should give full play to his professional knowledge,carry out education of qualities,foster the students' spirit of innovation,guide the students to probe the relationship between human and nature,human and society,human and human ,guide the students to learn and to think,possess spirit of science and humane spirit.
Journal of Qinghai Junior Teachers' College