近年来出版了几种《三国志》今注今译本 ,各有自己的成绩 ,但在校勘和训诂方面都还存在一些问题 ,主要表现在三个方面 :校勘与训诂的错位 ;对表达内容的隔膜导致的误读 ;对表达形式的隔膜导致的误读。要做好《三国志》的注译工作 ,我们必须付出更多的劳动 :1 .尽量熟悉古代典籍特别是魏晋以前的经典 ;2 .充分注意前人整理研究《三国志》的各项成果 ;3.
In recent years,several kinds of annotations translations of Sanguozhi have been published.Each has its merits,but there are still some problems in respect of collation and explanation.In this article,we discuss those problems from three angles:topsy turviness of collation and explanation;misreading due to unfamilarity with the content;misreading due to unfamilarity with the language.We suggest that,in order to improve the annotations translations of Sanguozhi,we should pay much attention to the following study:a.to try to get familiar with classics,especially those before Wei Jin;b.to absorb all the fruits of Sanguozhi studies;c.to strengthen the studies of Sanguo culture and middle ancient chinese.
Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Social Science Edition)