江泽民重视新闻工作 ,强调新闻媒体要把握正确的舆论导向 ,以正确的舆论引导人。正确的舆论导向包括党性和人民性高度统一的党性观 ,服从和服务于维护国家和公众利益的新闻自由观 ,坚持党的思想路线的新闻真实观。把握正确的舆论导向 ,要把坚持正确的政治方向放在首位 ,同时 ,要坚持“两为”方向 ,提高社会效益 ,抓好新闻改革 。
JIANG Ze-min takes news seriously, laying emphasis on the right direction of public opinion, which includes Party spirit of news integrating highly with spirit of the people, concept of news freedom subordinating to and serving national and public interest; concept of news reality basing on ideological route.The assurance of the right direction of public opinion requires upholding right political direction in the first place while persisting in serving country and people, raising social efficiency, engaging well in news reformation, reinforcing press personnel and enhancing CCP'S leading to the press.
Social Science Journal of Xiangtan University