《野草》是鲁迅作品世界中最具魅力最难解读的作品。《野草》是鲁迅写自己的 ,也是写给自己看的书 ,它忠实地记录了中国人由传统走向现代的痛苦的灵魂挣扎。《野草》是客观情势的变化在作者内心的反映 ,它是作者创作心态大的变化期的独特的艺术结晶。它的产生昭示了一种超越文体学的文学现象 ,它代表着一种新的美学精神 ;它是新的艺术形式对新的心理经验和审美空间的召唤 。
YeCao is the most fascinating and explanatory in Luxun's works. YeCao was written by Luxun, and was for himself, it recorded the mental agony of Chinese people from tradition to modernization. YeCao was the reflection of social changes in writer's mind, and it was the specific artistic crystallization during the changes of Luxun's writing mood. YeCao marked a literary phenomenon which is super-literary forms; it embodied a new aesthetic spirit.
Social Science Journal of Xiangtan University