现代教学论是教学论的一种崭新形态 ,其发展趋势主要表现为 :现代教学论既高度分化又高度综合 ,新的学科群正在形成 ;理论基础不断扩展 ,众多学科积极参与和方法论大量引入 ;本土化与国际化相结合 ,体系构建从单纯的移植走向借鉴和创新的统一 ;理论与实证紧密结合 ,研究方法正发生着深刻的变革。
The Modern instruction theory is a new form of instruction theory, and its developing trends manifest as follow: The modern instruction theory is highy separated and new groups of branches have been formed; its theoretical basis has been expanded as well as a lot of courses and methods are actively accepted; it combines nationalization with internationalization and system structure is from pure grafting to using for reference with activing; it closely combines the theoretical study with the practical study and the research methods have been formed completely.
Journal of Songliao(Social Science Edition)