王国维是引介西方近现代文化思想的先驱 ,但是 ,现代文化思潮不仅是理论问题 ,更是生命实践问题 ,它要求生命的具体的担当重压的能力和耐性。思想学说的认同是一回事 ,能够以个体的生命承担起这种思想学说的全部重量则是另外一回事。正是面对这样一个无从回避的要求 ,王国维踟蹰不前了。王国维特别关心对于个人痛苦的“慰藉” :既然真正、彻底的解脱不可能 ,那么不得已而求其次 ,能够使痛苦得以暂时的缓解、“慰藉”也好。这种方式从一开始就与勇于承担、自主承担痛苦的方式判然有别。也正是这种与旧式文人有着千丝万缕联系的对待人生苦痛的方式 ,使得王国维从一种思想的高度和力度上 ,从个体生命存在的紧张性之中 。
Wang Guo\|wei is a forerunner of introducing modern Western cultural thoughts. However, modern culture thoughts are not only the ideological issues, but also the practical ones of life which require the capacity and patience for individual beings to take on pressures. The identification with certain ideas is one thing, and to take on all the pressures of the ideas by individual life is the other thing. And, Wang Guo\|wei hesitates before this inevitable requirement. Wang pays special attention to something in which the individual can find comfort. In his poinion, since it is impossible to find a real, complete detachment, one has to be content with the second best, that is, to find a temporary alleviation of grief, and a comfort. From the beginning, this way is different from the way to have the courage to take on pains and sufferings by oneself. And, it is the way to deal with pains in life which is connected with old\|styled literati that Wang Guo\|wei withdraws from the height and dynamics of thoughts, and from the strain of individual life. This paper traces and describes the course of Wang's withdrawal in the field of modern consciousness.
Journal of Hangzhou Teachers College(Humanities and Social Sciences)
Wang Guo-wei
modern consciousness
individual responsibility