库利是美国社会革新论的三杰之一 ,也是美国传播学研究的四位鼻祖之一。他认为 ,传播是人格塑形的建筑材料和生命精神的神奇载体。传播的需要既是原始的和基本的人性特点 ,也是社会自我形成和发展的基本条件。如果说人类的自然生命在种质传递中具有一定的稳定性 ,那么人类的社会生命在信息传播中则具有较大的可塑性或可教育性。通过对库利学术生涯和代表著作的回顾与分析 ,纠正了以往学人在解读库利过程中认识上的落差 。
In this paper, the author carries on a study to Charles Horton Cooley's historical standing in American Communication Reasearch. Cooley is one of the three contributors of the American Social Innovative Theory and is meanwhile one of the four founders of the American Communication Research. He regarded communication the personality construction material as well as the magic medium of the vital spirit. The need of communication is not only the primitive basic human nature, but also the fundamental condition for the social self\|shaping and evolution. comparing to the stablity of human's natural lives in its evolution, human's social lives are to some degree plasticable and eduticable. This article retrospects and analyzes the academic career and representative works of Cooley's, hence corrects the misunderstanding in the former study and sets the deserved academic standing for him.
Journal of Hangzhou Teachers College(Humanities and Social Sciences)