几乎在孔子提出中庸思想的同时 ,佛陀也提出了中道思想。儒家的中庸思想与佛教的中道观 ,分别对儒佛两家都有很大的影响。它们都有一个发展变异的过程 ,其中有许多相同相异之处。儒家中庸思想发展在《中庸》一文中可谓集大成 ,后来中庸思想都是对它的补充与发展。佛教宗派众多 ,对中道思想有重要发展。佛教传入中国后 ,受到本土文化的影响 ,中道观又有新的发展。儒佛两家在矛盾冲突的同时 ,又相互影响 ,相互汲取营养。儒家的中庸思想影响了佛教在中国的发展路径 。
The Golden Mean was raised by the Confucianists almost at the same time that Fu Tuo advanced eclecticism, both having had a great impact on the Confucianism and Buddhism. They both underwent development and variation, thus bearing many similarities and differences. The evolution of the golden mean thought is well reflected in the 'Golden Mean', and further supplemented and developed via other thoughts later in time. The various schools of Buddhism all played a role in promoting eclecticism. Thanks to the introduction of Buddhism into China and influence of the local culture, eclecticism gained its momentum. Confucianism and Buddhism affect and draw on one another while conflicting each other. The Golden Mean of Confucianism cast some influence over the development of Buddhism in China, and on the other hand, the eclecticism contributes to the deepening of some notions of Confucianism.
Journal of Nantong Teachers College(Social Science Edition)