1842年 ,英国特大舰队悍然入侵长江 ,挑起了决定鸦片战争结果的扬子江战役。由于是役中清军的战败与清廷无能的遥控与指挥直接有关 ,所以清代实录及其他官私文献常讳言具体的战事 ,以致国内史学界对其间的一些重要史实不甚了了。配有重炮和大量驻军的长江下游的狼山 -黄泥山炮台由于能扼制偏向江北岸的长江主航道 ,曾是清军重要的沿江堡塞。但该炮台何时被毁?何人毁之?中国文献无片言记述。作者在英国查阅了有关的文献档案 ,揭示了在扬子江战役期间 ,英军登陆长江北侧的通州沿江地区 ,夺取了狼山 -黄泥山炮台的防炮 ,摧毁了炮台的史实。
In 1842, the British task fleet intruded into the Yangtze River, and a strong party of seamen and marines were sent on shore of Tongzhou, who took possession of a battery there on 8th of July. They destroyed a few iron guns in it and shipped all brass guns as others retreated. This article is expected to fill a vacancy of the historical record in China.
Journal of Nantong Teachers College(Social Science Edition)