21世纪的大学 ,已走向社会中心办学。大学的人才培养质量永远是第一位的。只有清晰认识和把握大学教育的核心任务 ,才不致于使大学的本质属性为大学的社会属性所遮蔽。大学核心任务的本质属性应当是“尽性” ,大学核心任务的体现就当是“新民” ;大学核心任务完成的标志应当是“创新”。
Running schools has been heading for social-centred in the 21 st century. The qualities of talent training at university will come first for good. University's natural attribution will not to such an extent as to be obscured by it's social nature only when we make a clear-mind understand and master the main tasks of university education. Nature, generation and innovation should be the natural attribution, manifestation and the indication of completion of the main tasks.
Journal of Xiangfan University