本文从题材、体裁、主题、表现手法和风格等方面分析了《狂人日记》所显现的外国作家对鲁迅的影响 ,认为 ,在题材和体裁上 ,鲁迅的《狂人日记》受了果戈里同名小说的启发 ;在主题上 ,体现了尼采的部分精神人格 ;在表现手法上 ,尤其是心理描写的处理上 ,借鉴了安特莱夫以至爱伦·坡的经验 ,表现出他们共同的“阴冷”
Lu Xun's A Madman's Diary was deeply impacted by some famous foreign writers and was a masterpiece with a wide use of good points from their works and his own personal characteristics in it. This paper intends to analyse the foreign impact on Lu Xun from the theme, genre, writing technique and style in A Madman's Diary.
Journal of Social Science of Jiamusi University