目的 研究葡萄糖酸铬对肥胖基因表达的影响及其生长激素的关系。方法 将 80只大鼠按体重随机分为 8组 ,分别为基础饲料对照组 ,基础饲料实验组 (不同剂量的葡萄糖酸铬 ) ,高脂饲料对照组 ,高脂饲料实验组 (不同剂量的葡萄糖酸格 ) ,每周称重 1次 ,并于第 8周末断头取血 ,用放射免疫的方法分别检测血清中的瘦素及生长激素 ,同时称取大鼠的肝 ,脾 ,肾和睾丸 ,计算脏 /体比值。结果 表明葡萄糖酸铬对大鼠体重影响不大 ,但可改善饮食诱导的“Leptin抵抗”的现象 ,并可促进生长激素的分泌。
Objective To observe the effect of glucose acid chromium on rat body weight,level of serum leptin and serum growth hormone.Methods Eight groups of rats were randomly fed with different diets(basal diet, high-fat diet),different levels of glucose acid chromium for 8 weeks.All rats were weighed once a week.At the end of the experiment,all animals were decapitalized and their blood samples were taken and the concentration of serum leptin and growth hormone were tested by RIA method.In the meantime ,the liver, the spleen, the kidneys and the testis were isolated and weighed ,the ratio of internal organs to the body weight were calculated.Results Glucose acid chromium can cause weight loss slightly, improve the phenomenon of diet incduced 'Leptin resistance',increase the secretion of growth hormone.
Chinese Journal of Public Health
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (编号 :39670 638)