脉冲发电机具有小型、机动、灵活、可靠、寿命长等特点 ,作为高功率固体激光器和加速器电源是一新的技术路线。比较了各种类型脉冲电源的性能指标 ,解释了旋转磁通压缩和串级原理 ,提出串级脉冲发电机的自激、偏极与双机同壳概念 ,给出电机的设计公式 ,1 0 MW串级脉冲发电机的设计。
Powering solid state lasers and accelerators with compulsator is a novel technology, which could reach high average beam power for wide industry applications. As shown in the paper, the novel route is emerging due to successfully lasering experiments driven by the compulsators. It has merits of high specific power and energy storage,reliability,high rates of pulse repetition and long life. The specific power and energy storage of all possible pulsed powers are listed and compared. The theory of flux compression and the two stage amplification of the cascade compulsator are explained. The principles of self exciting and two devices in one shell in the system of cascade compulsators are explained. The basic design equations, the design and experimental results of a 10MW cascade compulsators for solid state laser are given. The novel power supply drives the solid state laser successfully in the primary experiments. A hole about 0.5mm in diameter is glassified in a brick target by the output laser beam.
High Power Laser and Particle Beams
国家自然科学基金 (批准号 690 880 11)
博士后基金 (94.5 )资助课题