随着企业生产规模的改变 ,与之相适应的产权制度必须随之改变。企业生产规模大小决定了企业所采取的具体产权形式。不能以某一种固定的模式去判断其它产权模式的优劣。改变企业财产制度 ,只有在对出资者有利的情况下才能顺利进行。另外 ,社会环境对企业财产制度的形成也产生重要的影响。
The production scale change, the related property system should change accordingly The production scale decides the style of property right the enterprise of should have It is wrong to define the advantage and disadvantage of other modes of property right by using a fixed mode as a standard Only under the favorable situation for investors can property system change smoothly Otherwise, the social culture also will affect the property organization
Journal of Nanjing University of Economics