目的 探讨CZT康复治疗机早期康复对脑卒中患者的运动功能、日常生活能力的影响。方法 46例脑卒中患者随机分为观察组 (2 2例 )和对照组 (2 4例 ) ,观察组在病后平均第 7d开始采用CZT康复治疗机进行治疗 ,平均治疗 1 4d。结果 患者上、下肢运动能力功能比对照组明显提高 ,步行恢复率达 58.8%。患者日常生活能力Barthel分级法评分在 62分以上达 46 .6 %。对照组仅2 0 .4%。结论 CZT - 4康复机早期康复对脑卒中有较好的疗效。
Objective To explore the early rehabilitation effect on patients' moving function and daily life ability after the treatment by CZT-4 therapeutic apparatus. Methods 46 cases were randomly divided into 2 groups, the rehabilitation group (22) and the control group (24). Rehabilitation therapy was started on the 7th day after the attack and the therapy lasted 14 days on average. Results The patients' moving function in the upper and lower limbs showed significant improvement, and their walking recovery rate was 58.8%. In the treatment group, those who scored more than 62 in the Barihel's assessment of the ability of daily life (ADL) were 46.6%, while those in the control group were only 20.4%. Conclusion Early rehabilitation training with CZT-4 therapeutic apparatus is effective for patients of stroke hemiplegia.
Chinese Journal of Coal Industry Medicine