目的 研究门冬氨酸氨基转移酶 (AST)不同测定方法间人血清标本与纯化人红细胞c AST结果的互换性。方法 采用八种常用的AST测定方法 (试剂盒 )测定 99份血清标本及提纯AST ,以IFCC推荐的方法 (不含磷酸吡哆醛 )为基准 ,其它七种方法测定的血清AST值与之进行相关分析 ,并对血清AST及纯化人红细胞c AST的反应性进行比较。结果 八种方法间血清AST测定值的相关性较好 ,相关系数 (r)按近 1 0 ,截距接近 0。提纯的c AST在以上各方法间均与人血清AST反应性相近 ,具互换性 ;且提纯的c AST测定值受辅基磷酸吡哆醛的影响较小。结论 提纯的c AST在各方法间与血清AST反应相似 ,可以作为AST参考品的酶制剂应用于临床生化检验。
Objective To compare different methods for AST determination and study the commutability of purified materials containing cytoplasmic AST(c AST)from human erythrocytes with the enzyme in human sera Methods Eight different, methods for AST determination were compared by assaying human serum samples(n=99)covering a wide range of AST values Intermethod comparison between each method and the reference method(method H)and commutability of purified materials with human serum specimens were calculated by regression analysis Results Methods comparison showed homogeneous results,all the correlation coefficients were close to 1 0 and the intercepts were close to 0 The intermethod behavior of the purified material containing c AST was commutable with the human serum specimens,and the activity of the purified material determined by the method with PLP was very similar to the one without PLP Conclusion The puridied material containing c AST from human erythrocytes was a suitable preparation as candidate working enzyme reference material for AST
Chinese Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science
军队医药基金资助项目 (基金编号 :96M0 2 0 )