
保守性手术加放疗治疗早期乳腺癌的10年疗效 被引量:7

Ten-Year Results of Conservative Surgery with Adjuvant Radiotherapy for Early Stage Breast Cancer.
摘要 目的:回顾性分析保守性手术加放疗(CSRT)治疗早期乳腺癌的远期效果。方法:1987年10月~1991年1月,40例早期乳腺癌采用CSRT。I期20例,Ⅱ期19例(T2N013例,T1N12例,T2N14例),导管内癌1例。肿瘤大小0.9~4.4cm,36例肿块直径≤3cm。手术范围包括:乳房象限切除和腋窝下、中群淋巴结清除术,术后切线野照射全乳房,淋巴结阳性者加照内乳和锁骨区。对>1cm的浸润性癌,用CMF方案辅助化疗。结果:本组10年总生存率和无病生存率92.5%,保留乳房美观效果优良率86.5%,局部复发率7.5%。结论:对早期乳腺癌,如病例选择适当,在具有良好的外科手术和放疗技术的单位,采用CSRT可取得长期满意的肿瘤局部控制和良好的乳房美观效果。 Objective: To analyze the long-term results of conservative surgery with adjuvant radiotherapy (CSRT) for early breast cancer. Methods: From October 1987 to January 1991, 40 patients with early breast cancer were treated by CSRT. Of them, 20 patients were in stage I,19 in stage Ⅱ (T2N0 13 cases, T1N1 2 cases and T2N1 4 cases)and one with intraductal carcinoma. Tumor size ranged from 0.9cm to 4.0 cm, and 36 patients had tumor size less than 3cm. Quadrantectomy, axillary nodes dissection of level Ⅰ and Ⅱ, and post-operative radiotherapy was performed to the whole group. The internal mammary re- gion and supraclavicular area were irradiated in patients with node metastases. Patients with tumors > 1cm received chemotherapy by using CMF regimen. Results: Both 10-year overall survival rate and disease-free survival rate were 92.5%. Three of 40 patients(7.5%) had local recurrence. The cosmetic results of the breast were excellent or good in 86.5% of patients. Conclusions: CSRT could provides long-term local tumor control and satisfying cosmetic results for early stage breast cancer.
出处 《外科理论与实践》 2001年第4期216-218,共3页 Journal of Surgery Concepts & Practice
关键词 早期乳腺癌 保守性手术 放射治疗 Early breast cancer Conservative surgery Radiotherapy 10-year follow-up
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