目的 用重组日本血吸虫副肌球蛋白 (r Sj97)免疫小鼠 ,观察保护效果。方法 小鼠随机分为 3组 ,免疫组在 0、2、15周 ,皮下注射 r Sj97加佐剂 Quil A ,同一时间佐剂对照组和空白对照组注射等量 Quil A和缓冲液 A,第 3次免疫后 2周 ,每鼠经腹部贴片攻击感染 5 0条尾蚴 ,感染后 45 d剖杀小鼠 ,观察其减虫和减卵效果。结果 与缓冲液和 Quil A对照组相比 ,r Sj97+Quil A免疫组的减虫率分别为 44 .1% (P<0 .0 1)和 17.8% (P<0 .0 5 ) ,每克肝组织虫卵数 (L EPG)减少率分别为76 .5 % (P<0 .0 1)和 16 .9% (P<0 .0 5 ) ,每雌肝组织虫卵数 (L EPF)减少率分别为 6 2 .2 % (P<0 .0 1)和 6 .1% (P<0 .0 5 )。结论 r Sj97加佐剂 Quil
Objective To test recombinant paramyosin (rSj97) for its protective immunity against Schistosoma japonicum in mice. Methods Mice were randomly divided into three groups. Mice in vaccination group were injected subcutaneously with rSj97 plus Quil A at week 0,2,15,those in control groups were injected with equal volume of Quil A or buffer A. Two weeks aftet the final boost, mice were challenged with 50 cercariae percutaneously and were sacrificed 45 days after challenge. The worm and liver egg numbers were examined. Results Compared with buffer control group, the rSj97 plus Quil A vaccination group and Quil A control group had 44 1%(P<0 01) and 17 8%(P<0 05) of reduction rates in worm burden, 76 5%(P<0 01) and 16 9%(P<0 05) of reduction rate in liver egg per gram, and 62 2%(P<0 01) and 6 1%(P<0 05) of reduction rates in liver egg per female, respectively. Conclusion rSj97 plus Quil A could induce significant anti infection and anti embryonation effects for Schisrosoma japonicum infection in mice.
Chinese Journal of Schistosomiasis Control
Schistosoma japonicum, Recombinant paramyosin, Immunization, Mice