目的 探讨严重腹部闭合性损伤的诊治。方法 回顾性分析近 10年来收治的严重腹部闭合性损伤 93例。结果 经手术治疗 87例 (93.5 % ) ,非手术处理 6例 (6 .5 % ) ,死亡 7例 (7.5 % ) ,其中合并严重颅脑伤死亡 4例 ,并发 ARDS死亡 3例。结论 全面了解病史 ,认真检查 ,重复腹穿 ,B超检查 ,必要时专科会诊及 CT、MRI检查 ,以减少漏、误诊 。
Objective:To study the diagnosis and treatment of severe closed abdominal trauma.Methods:Retrospective analysis of those patients with severe closed abdominal trauma admitted in recent 10 years.Results:87 patients were treated surgically and 6 treated non surgically.7 patients died,4 of them were stricken by severe craniocerebral trauma and 3 by ARDS as well as severe closed abdominal trauma.Conclusion:To reduce morbidity,it is crucial to cut down missed and erroneous diagnosis by thorough understanding of case history,carefully physical examination,repeated abdominal puncture,B type ultrasonic detection and,when necessary,by asking for consultation,CT and MRI,and at the same time,to deal well with complications.
Fujian Medical Journal