

An Investigation of Interrelation between Contact Fatigue Life and Fracture Toughness of GCr5 Steel
摘要 对五种不同硫含量(0.009—0.092wt%)的GCr15钢进行了接触疲劳试验并测试了其断裂韧度K_(IC)值。试验数据进行了较为严格的统计处理,研究了接触疲劳寿命与断裂韧度K_(IC)的相关性。统计分析结果表明:GCr15钢的额定寿命L10与K_(IC)相关性不显著,但中值寿命L50与K_(IC)之间具有显著的相关性。因此,断裂韧度K_(IC)有可能作为中值寿命L50的一种度量。 The rolling contact fatigue tests Were conducted on 5 kinds of GCr15 steel of different sulfur content ranging from, 0.009% to 0.092%(wt), and the plane strain fracture toughness K_(IC) was measured. Based on the statistical treatment of the test data, the interrelation between contact fatigue life and fracture toughness of GCr15 steel was studied in detail. It is concluded that, with 99 percent confidence level, the correlation between L50(median life)and fracture toughness is good, but the correlation between L10(ratinglife)and fracture toughness is poor. Consequently, fracture toughness can reasonably be used to predict L50. Finally, the mechanism of the interrelation was also investigated.
机构地区 中国纺织大学
出处 《金属科学与工艺》 CSCD 北大核心 1991年第1期36-41,共6页
关键词 GCR15钢 断裂韧度 接触疲劳 相关性 fracture toughness contact fatigue life correlation GCr15 steel
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