本文用膨胀法和金相法研究了亚共析合金钢40Cr 铁素体和珠光体转变动力学。提出用碳当量计算 A_1~A_3温度之间亚共析合金钢铁素体转变动力学公式。测出了 A_1温度以下的拐点温度,在拐点温度以下,铁素体和珠光体转变符合 Johnson—Mehl 公式。并且讨论了在拐点温度至 A_1温度之间,铁素体和珠光体转变的动力学公式。
The transformation kinetics of ferrite and pearlite in hypoeutectoid alloy steel 40Cr has been studied by means of dilatometer and metalloscopy, The use of carbon equivalent to calculate the transformation kinetics equation of ferrite in hypoeuteetoid alloy steel during A1—A3 temperature has beenestablished,The turning point temperature below A1 temperature has been measured.The transformation of ferrite and pearlite under turning point temperature conforms to Johnson—Mehl equation,The transformation kinetics equation of ferrite and pearlite between turning point temperature —A1 temperature has been discussed.