针对纯定性仿真方法的缺陷 ,通过采用模糊集 ,作者对定性仿真的模型构造、仿真机制、算法等方面做了研究 ;在此基础上 ,开发了一个模糊定性建模与仿真的软件环境 ,实现了模型构造、模型转换、仿真算法到结果输出等主要功能 ,并分析了一个简单的实例。
In this paper the author discuss the theory and method on modeling and simulation of dynamic complex system. By introducing fuzzy set theory into pure qualitative simulation domain, the shortcoming of traditional qualitative simulation can be solved both theoretically and practically on such aspects as modeling principle, model construction, reasoning mechanism, and simulation algorithms. They have completed an integrated fuzzy qualitative modeling and simulation software kit, which can assist the whole process of qualitative simulation from model conceptualization, construction, reasoning and result output. An example is given in the end.
Computer Simulation
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (项目编号 :6 96 0 0 40 0 5 )