6月3日,新浪首席执行官、总裁王志东,在一夜之间被踢出局;中国6家上市公司在华尔街风风雨雨,起起落落,加之境外上市并不是易事,因此,有些人提出:融资,还是重走回乡路。 本刊认为,境外资本毕竟雄厚,境外上市融资,依旧是中国公司包括中小企业的一个很好的选择。中国公司应该有这样的认识:境外资本市场永远都演义着优胜劣汰、更新除旧,我们必须永远不停地、一步一个脚印地攀上一个又一个的台阶,而这个台阶永远都没有能够停歇一刻的顶峰。
Zhidong Wang, CEO of Sina was kicked out on June 3 from the Wall Slree overnight. China's six listed companies are also experiencing the trials and hardships, ups and downs in the Wall Sireet. In addition, overseas listings is not easy. Consequently, some people propose a homeward financing approach.Our magazine believes that, overseas financing by listings will remain a very good choice for Chinese enterprises, including small and medium-sized enterprises, as overseas fund is afler all abundant.
International Financing